Personalizing My Faith Ministry Leadership Starter Kit
Spiritual maturity will result in some kind of ministry leadership. Mature Christians are sought out to lead. New and maturing believers seek those who will influence them to become more Christ-like. Building leaders is absolutely necessary for churches to become healthy and grow as God intends. Maturity results in making disciples. Strong churches stress ministry leadership where leaders breed leaders.
The Ministry Leadership Member's Guide features the Leadership Reflections 360 Feedback Questionnaire. Members can now assess their leadership ability in five vital areas:Calling, Contentment, Character, Crafting, and Coaching. These qualities are very important in the lives of every leader. Every leader should possess a clear understanding of the following five essentials:
- Calling - Recognizing and obeying God's "call" to become leaders is the beginning step toward ministry leadership.
- Contentment - If calling connects us to God's plan for our lives and for our ministries, then contentment gives us the joy that can keep us in His calling.
- Character - What's inside of a leader is revealed through many events, circumstances, and actions that, over time, paint a self-portrait of a leader's character.
- Crafting - God has crafted us with unique talents, personalities, experiences, and gifts. "Great" leaders recognize the need to continuously seek to strengthen what God has given them.
- Coaching- A key role of every "exceptional" leader is to coach and raise up the leaders that God has placed in their care at home, in ministry, and in the community.
The Leadership Reflections 360 Feedback Questionnaire assesses the leader in all five areas. Separate questionnaires can also be distributed to friends and associates to assess the individual's Ministry Leadership qualities. The results of the LR 360 Questionnaires can be averaged and a group dynamic graph created to help the individual improve his or her ministry leadership skills.
Finding and / or building strong leaders will determine the strength and future of your ministry.Ministry Leadership will help you grow toward ultimately magnifying God
The My Missionality Profile Member's Guide, Facilitator's Manual and PowerPoint Presentation are designed to train your members in the "how to" practical steps. It is an innovative and enlightening way of teaching evangelism and discipleship from a fresh biblical Human Behavior Science perspective.
Your members will learn how to put feet on their faith. The My Missionality resources are a must for every church interested in building disciples who will magnify God.
Helpful Tips: Some members are already leaders in your church, and they may resent your demanding that they first attend the Spiritual Maturity and / or Membership & Ministryclass/es before attending the Ministry Leadership class. Yet it would be good for them to attend the course to improve their leadership skills, even if they haven't attended the other classes.
Make an announcement or circulate a form for members to sign-up for a Ministry Leadershipclass regardless of what other Personalizing My Faith Courses they have attended. Encourage them to complete their Leadership Reflections questionnaire. Then ask them to have five or so close friends or associates complete a LR 360 questionnaire on them.
All of the reports should be returned to a facilitator, consultant, or staff member involved in theMinistry Leadership course in order to average and graph the individual's results. Do not have the questionnaires returned to the individual. Also be sure everyone understands that no one should put their name on the questionnaire. It should be completed anonymously for more honest responses.
Average everyone's results to complete a Group Dynamics Graph. Then overlay the individual's graph on top of the average to see if there are any big differences that may need attention and counsel. Never make accusations or conclusions. The assessment is simply to help the individual personally evaluate what others are thinking about them and privately seek God's direction on how to make any changes as a ministry leader.
Unexpected valuable insights!
One of the amazing results of the Leadership Reflections 360 Feedback is how it can reveal the potential challenges you may have with a prospective leader or co-worker. When people are confronted with a questionable or bad report from their 360 Feedback and if they respond poorly, this is a great way to "test" how they may deal with pressure and stress.
- 5 Leadership Reflections Questionnaires
- Leadership By Design
- Discovering Behavioral Blends
- Personal Insights
- Intensity Insights
- Are you a Transactional or Transformational Leader?
- Leadership Insights
- DISC Learning Styles
- Neurolinguistic Programming
- Presenting Insights
- Vision Casting/Dealing with Objections
- 5 Personalizing My Faith Ministry Leadership Profiles with 5 each of Leadership Reflections 360 per profile
- 1 Facilitator's Manual, (transparency masters available upon request)
- 1 PowerPoint Presentation
Note: PowerPoint is to be downloaded after purchase. To download your PowerPoint, go to your My Account page, and click on Downloads on the right side of the blue bar.
Quantity Discounts Available:
50 - 99 - 10% off retail
100 - 199 - 20% off retail
200 or more - 30% off retail