Educator's Personality Online Profile
Summarized Version
(Approx. 30 printed page report.)
Education is one of, if not "the most important job in the world!" Discovering every student's giftedness is so important to good education. Every student and teacher is gifted with a unique personality that motivates them. Discovering their unique personality type is vital to their success. Understanding Human Behavior Science from a practical perspective can also improve their education and future.
*Note: This is not a paper profile but an assessment to take online.
**Refund policy: Codes for online assessments cannot be refunded.
Everyone is endowed with a unique "way" of feeling, thinking, and acting - your personality type. No one has a bad personality. It's what you do with your personalities that really matters. By understanding the way you are bent, you can discover why you and others do what they do.
The challenge is relating to everyone differently - discerning how other people feel, think and act according to their personalities. You will then benefit greatly when reducing conflicts caused by personality clashes.
- Interpretation of Four Temperaments
- Discovering Behavioral Blends
- Challenging Differences
- How To Handle Conflicts
- Intensity Insights
- Resolution Management Promise
- Team Building
- Leadership Styles
- Are you a Transactional or Transformational Leader?
- Practical Application / Stress Management
- Classroom Climate
- Student / Teacher Conflicts
- Disciplining / Motivating Students
- Classroom Intensity Insights
- DISC Learning Styles
- My Action Plan
Most problems at home and in the classroom are the results of misunderstandings - "people problems." By predicting behavior, you can avoid and resolve most conflicts. Recognizing individual motivations is obviously enlightening.
Once educators learn more about the "Science of Motivation" and why they or their students do what they, teaching and leading students will improve.
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50 - 99 - 10% off retail
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